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Step 1.  

Before I start developing visuals for a client, I need to know everything about them and their industry. This includes audience demographics, competitors, pain points, and more. Having a thorough grasp of a client always leads to a better end product.

Step 2.  

Clarity is paramount in design, but if there's room for cleverness, I always aim to incorporate it. That's why I develop concepts for my projects, striving to evoke that "smile in the mind" which increases customer interaction with the brand. I achieve this through mind maps, which help me move beyond initial ideas to find those far enough from my starting point that they just might be crazy enough to work.

Step 3.  

What drives me most to create great work is seeing great work. I constantly source excellent design pieces, both in print and online, so when I set a direction for a project, I have a strong visual foundation. When inspired, I don’t try to duplicate it. Instead, I ask how I can elevate it, add my unique spin, or update it for modern times. The key to timeless design lies in good taste, making it essential to study the medium.

Step 4.  

To create collateral for a brand, it must first have a distinct voice. Colors, logos, patterns, copywriting, and photography style all shape a brand’s perspective in the marketplace. Once established, these elements guide my approach to a project. A brandmark's job is to capture a company’s essence and clearly convey it to the customer. When done right, it's memorable and serves as the perfect distillation of design.

Step 5. (Repeat Until Satisfied)  

Now all that’s left is the execution, which begins with initial drawings and rough renderings until the project is refined to perfection. Along the way, gathering feedback on what works and what doesn’t is crucial to shaping the final product. This trial-and-error process varies by project, but a well-earned solution often leaves me wondering why the answer didn’t come to me any sooner.

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